Hugo CMS - be at the top of Google

Search engine friendly websites in just a few clicks

In today’s digital world, flexibility is everything. Our content management system for Hugo, with two integrated editors, brings this flexibility right into your hands—allowing you to create and edit impressive, fast, and search engine-friendly websites from anywhere. All you need is an internet connection and a web browser. Discover how HugoCMS, with its technical refinements, makes web design easier for you and helps advance your online presence in search engine rankings. HugoCMS - the better alternative to WordPress.

Secure your competitive edge with a CMS that is as successful and dynamic as you are.

Flexibility and accessibility

Create and edit your website from anywhere in the world. Choose between Markdown and a visual editor depending on your comfort and needs.

SEO benefits

Built-in support for SEO best practices helps your website shine in search engines.

Security and control

Advanced versioning means your work is secure and you stay in control.

Based on Hugo

Hugo is the world’s fastest static site generator for building websites. With its amazing speed and flexibility, Hugo forms the backbone of our CMS.

Based on Hugo

Edit websites like you would with Word

Create and edit web pages like you would with a word processor or Markdown editor for more control.

Edit websites you like


As an open source project, HugoCMS is based on the principle of free availability of its source code. The CMS is implemented with Javascript and PHP.

Full Opensource



Beat your competition with improved search ranking!

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100% Performance


Build your websites with top performance metrics!

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Best Practices

Increase the accessibility and accessibility of your websites!

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Achieve 100% with an SEO-optimized Hugo Theme

Test your and our website with PageSpeed Insights

Manage content online.

Manage the website from anywhere.
Create, rename and delete files on the desktop at home, at work or mobile on go the go.

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Manage content online.

Edit content online.

Wählen Sie zwischen einen Markdown-Editor mit Syntax highlighting oder dem WYSYWIG-Editor.
Edit content where and when you want, with the browser of your choice.

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Edit content online

Versioning of the changes.

Git-based versioning at the push of a button.
Commit your changes with Git and undo changes with just two buttons.

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Versioning of the changes

Content Management. Very easily.

Create your website with Hugo. Choose from over 300 Themes. Edit your content Online.

Since its launch, Hugo CMS has established itself as one of the leading static site generators on the market, valued for its speed and efficiency in creating websites. It is an open-source tool that enables developers to quickly generate static websites from markup files and templates. These characteristics make Hugo particularly appealing for projects where speed, security, and reliability are paramount.

Our new development, an app that combines Hugo with the benefits of an online CMS, represents an innovative solution that brings together the best of both worlds. This app complements Hugo with a web-based application that provides an intuitive user interface for content management. This allows users without technical knowledge to easily create, edit, and manage content, while the underlying Hugo framework ensures fast and secure delivery of static pages. Thus, a straightforward update of web content through a user-friendly interface is enabled.

This combination offers a range of benefits. For one, the high speed and security of Hugo-based websites are maintained, as the final website remains static. Static pages load faster and are less vulnerable to security risks compared to dynamic pages, as they do not need to perform database queries. On the other hand, the integrated online CMS provides a flexible and accessible platform for content management, enabling even less technically skilled users to keep their websites up-to-date.

Another advantage of this integration is the improvement of team collaboration. While developers retain control over the structure and design of the website, content managers and editors can independently maintain and update content. This leads to more efficient workflows and a faster rate of web content updates.

The connection of Hugo with an online CMS can also enhance SEO performance. Since content can be updated more easily, it’s simpler to supply the website with fresh and relevant content, which is a key factor for search engine optimization. At the same time, the fast loading time of static pages provides a better user experience, which is also positively rated by search engines.

In conclusion, this innovative addition of Hugo through an app that integrates online CMS functionalities provides a powerful solution for both web developers and content managers alike. It combines the technical advantages of static websites with the user-friendliness of dynamic CMS, leading to efficient, secure, and user-friendly web development. With this development, the creators set new standards in the world of web development by uniquely combining flexibility and performance.